GEMIC / policy analysis

GeMIC synthesis report – Policy analysis

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This study focuses on the Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe, an area composed of diverse societies and states, which have been affected in various ways by processes of migrant mobility and cultural diversity. In the analysis we have included three of the older EU member states (Greece, Italy, and Spain), as well as newer (such as Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Romania) and prospective EU member states (such as Turkey, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), all of which experience invariably processes of emigration and immigration. The inclusion of these states does not only allow us to address gender and migration in relation to the processes of European integration and enlargement, but also to address the multiple challenges of incoming and out-flowing migration flows, including the importance of return, circular and transit migration. For this purpose we are using an enlarged concept of South Europe.


* to undertake research on current EU policy guidelines on migration and intercultural interactions.
* to provide an analysis from a gender perspective of the contemporary policy framework on migration and intercultural interactions at the national level for each of the member-states of the consortium.
* to identify contradictions and problem areas in state policy making.
* to explore alternative policy approaches with regard to intercultural dialogue and cooperation in order to enable the development of useful and pertinent policy recommendations

Romania – Policy analysis report

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Given Romania’s complex situation as a migrant-sending, migrant receiving and transit space, different policy lines have been adopted for the management of the various migration-related aspects. Throughout the years that preceded Romania’s joining the EU, but also afterwards, efforts have been made, above all, for the harmonisation of the Romanian legal framework to the EU requirements. Several legislation chapters have thus come in focus and new institutional instruments have been created to implement the improved regulations.

Spain – Policy analysis report

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Diverse immigration reforms by the Spanish state, far from decreasing irregular entry, have increased the proliferation of different levels of civic and socioeconomic stratification. An analysis of Spanish migration policy from a gender perspective shows also that these have been designed with a fundamentally masculine point of reference. Although women are the first link in some migration chains, they continue to be conceived of and treated as their husbands’ dependents.

Bulgaria – Policy analysis report

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The seemingly gender neutral language of Bulgarian legislation on immigration shows a gender bias, ignoring the problems that women immigrants face. This gender blindness completely ignores gender inequalities within migrant communities and between migrants and the host society. It also testifies about a strong presence of gender stereotypes in different aspects and different levels of political decisionmaking.

Turkey – Policy analysis report

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A brief overview of the Turkish policy framework suggests that the intersection between migration and gender regimes is confined to mainly the debates on irregular migration and trafficking of women. Moreover, changes in the citizenship regime, laws governing visas, residence and work permits also brought matters concerning gender issues on the agenda. Moreover, preliminary research suggests that the transformation of legislation is increasing, diversifying and the levels and actors for implementing the legislation are multiplying.
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Italy – Policy analysis report

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Migrant women constitute a paradigmatic standpoint to analyze the migration policies, and the relation between gender, nation, class, ethnicity. They are included or even overemphasized in official policies on particular roles: as domestic workers, that is to say, as cheap workforce indispensable in order to compensate for structural lack of the Italian welfare system; as wives dependent on their husband; as weak actors to protect; as victims of the human beings trafficking and the prostitution trade.

Cyprus – Policy analysis report

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With particular reference to the thematic area of intercultural education, this policy review suggests that measures for multicultural education have been used to ontologize “culture” and “cultural difference”, to separate multiculturalism from issues of global justice, and to delineate it within the exceptional space of schools as “intercultural education”.

FYROM- Policy analysis report

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Analysis and assessment of migration trends of the FYROM are very difficult because of limited sources of data. Most migration-related instruments and regulations in FYROM are not gender specific. There is no gender perspective in policy formulation and programme design that can contribute in creating gender sensitive policies and migration related instruments.
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Greece – Policy analysis report

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The policies of gender, migration and intercultural interaction in Greece are based on a complex and often contradictory set of objectives, which are dynamic and redefined according to the processes of EU harmonization, socio-economic and political developments in and outside Greece, as well as the changing practices of migrant individuals and groups themselves.

