Maria Paula Castello

Maria Paula Castello is an Anthropologist, Diplomat on Gender, Society and Politics (2008). She is now researching on Latin American migrant women and their sexual and reproductive health in the context of a three month scholarship from Fundacion Carolina and under the Immigration Area of the Institut d’Infància i Món Urbà (CIIMU) in Barcelona , Spain . She is also collaborating with the field work to the Spain team at the GEMIC project. The mentioned researches has to do with an specialization of immigration and gender topics researches, such as Latin American as domestic workers in Madrid and Barcelona – Spain, and Bonn – Germany; Ecuadorian transnational families and the use of NTIC’s; Changes around the families patterns because of international migration; female remittances and male remittances. Some of her publications are: “Migración y empleo: entre la crisis de fin de siglo y la inserción laboral precaria en Europa. El caso de las mujeres ecuatorianas en el servicio doméstico” SIISE, Quito – Ecuador (in Press); “Las familias en la migración: algunas cosas cambian, otras no tanto” ANACONDA Cultura y Arte Revista Internacional Bimestral. Num. 17, Ecuador, Noviembre, 2008; “Relaciones de género en la distancia: ¿Reestructuración o reafirmación? Un análisis sobre ‘remesas masculinas’ y ‘remesas femeninas’”, en Memorias del II Congreso de Antropología y Arqueología Ecuatoriana, Abya-Yala, Quito – Ecuador, 2007.

